• let it go.

    sometimes you have to stop trying, stop calling, stop initiating every hang out and just let the connection dies even if it hurts. If they are not willing to call you and to simply ask you how you are doing, then that is not a friend especially if they know you are going through a tough time.. Walk away, stop riding shot gun with people who won't even walk a mile for you. You deserve so much better than that, just focus on the people who genuinely loves you and forget those so-called fake friends.



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  • just girly things 

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  • i love reading and staying hydrated 

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  • me and somebody’s son! I am so affectionate and clingy (in a good way) he will not know what hit him lol 

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  • I stop talking to a lot of people when I realize they never had my best interest at heart or they were using me.

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